Thursday, February 2, 2012

some changes

we have changed some things, the time will be more in the afternoon, 12:00 am
also we will be doing it every other weak because some people cant make it every weak.

Friday, January 6, 2012

This week

This week, the 9th, we will be doing show and tell day
at Sinsheimer park, at 12:00 am
Bring things that you want to show everyone
and can present, an example
i might be bringing my rabbit runteely and some art
of him and of other animals, or i might bring my computer
so that i can show off my stop motion.

Wednesday, December 21, 2011

First day!

First day!!!
January 5th Thursday at 11:00
The subject is Fort building
it will be at Sinsheimer park, San Luis Obispo
and you should bring boxes, sheets, and fort building material!